Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Although the building has been quiet for days, I woke up this morning to Corbies' companion Koraki screeching at the top of its lungs. I guess her daughter is here again... Koraki always seems to be louder whenever her daughter is here. Sigh. I don't even know why she bothers to come visit anymore because she always causes a riot! 

      Despite my shocking awakening, I think today will end up being a good day... Maybe I will take my bag with me and go down the park or the old vacant lot down the street. The sun is shining so brightly today and the wind is blowing ever so slightly. It makes me just WANT to be outside.... Maybe I can find my wallet today and actually get that stupid freaking Advil. I walk down the eight flights of stairs rolling my eyes at Ms. Pigg as she plays her sousaphone and waves to everyone she sees. The sunshine fills my soul with joy for the first time in a long time and I love it. With my bag slung over my shoulder I turn and head towards the drugstore. Once I mosey my way in, I find my advil and pull out my not-so-invisible wallet (for once) and dig out the $2.65 I owe.

My Advil bought, I walk back into the warmth of the bright sunshine and feel the rays seep into my skin. I stretch and realize I haven't eaten today. I turn down to the Jamaican restaurant and open the door to the smells of roasted meats and rice. When I sit down the waitress came and brought me a glass of water while I decided between the chicken and the stewed fish. I decided on the fish. When she brought it to me the aromas filled my nose and lifted my soul. The first bite gave me a rush so heavenly I thought I had died.... I finished my meal, paid my bill and walked back into the sun. Feeling full and happy, my mind wandered to my dreams and I subconsciously reached around to make sure my bag was still over my shoulder. I sighed in relief and wandered on down the road...

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